Shake Up in Disability Support Services: The Rise of Platform Providers
We've got some interesting news to share about the ever-evolving world of disability support services. Today it’s the evolution of Platform Providers such as Mable and HireUP!
So, what's the deal with these platform providers, you ask? Well, they're like the cool kids on the block, revolutionizing the way workers connect with NDIS participants. Some NDIS folks love the idea of having more choice and control, while others find it controversial. It's a classic case of "to platform or not to platform."
Recently, the Disability Royal Commission (DRC) held a hearing to explore the future of disability support services in the age of platforms. It was a juicy session! They discussed everything from quality and safeguarding to industrial relations and self-direction. All the fun stuff we love!
One of the hot topics was the employment status of platform workers. Are they contractors or not? It's a bit like pondering the meaning of life—no one seems to have a definitive answer. But hey, at least the NDIS community are asking the important questions!
There were concerns raised about job security and skill development for workers on these platforms. Let's face it, nobody wants their skills to go extinct like the dinosaurs. But fear not, more research is on the way to shed light on this matter. While Mable and HireUp took the stage at the DRC hearing they reminded the sector that they are both approaching their 10th birthdays! We question why it has taken so long for this review but are also thankful that we have innovative ideas shaking up the disability support scene to keep it fresh and developing.
Now, safeguarding participants is crucial, and these platforms are about embracing 21st-century approaches. They're using fancy algorithms to spot potential support issues and putting accessibility and feedback at the forefront of their platforms. It's like the Sherlock Holmes of support services, minus the deerstalker hat.
From the hearing, the idea of a national registration scheme for disability support workers popped up. Think of it as a database where ALL support workers sign up and participants can make informed decisions. Hold up though, this is just a thought and so many things need to be considered… such as how this applies to the unregistered providers and contractors of the world. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know! We say give them 3+ years for anything concrete.
To sum it up, the DRC hearing was an eye-opening event that shook things up in the support worker sector. Platform providers offer choice and control while posing challenges to the system. It's a whole different ball game, but we are thankful that the DRC are attempting to stay at the forefront of it all!
Alright, that's a wrap for now. Stay curious, stay informed, and always keep your sense of humour intact!
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