Emergency Preparedness for NDIS Participants: Be Ready, Not Sorry!
Emergencies can strike at any time, and being prepared is crucial, especially for NDIS participants. Whether it’s a natural disaster or a health crisis, having a solid plan can make all the difference. Here’s how you, as providers, can support participants in getting ready for anything life throws their way.
Understanding Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness isn’t just about having a plan; it’s about peace of mind. For NDIS participants, this means ensuring they have everything they need to stay safe and well. From medical needs to communication plans, every detail counts.
Customising the Emergency Plan
If your participant has a Support Coordinator (COS), they likely already have an emergency plan in place. Check in with the COS to confirm. If not, it’s important to chat with the participant about potential emergencies, covering:
• Medical Needs: Ensure they have a list of medications and medical records.
• Assistive Devices: Discuss how to manage their assistive devices during an emergency.
• Communication: Develop a plan for how they’ll communicate with family, support coordinators, and emergency services.
Involve family members and other support networks in the planning process to ensure everyone is on the same page.
Does the Participant Need an Emergency Kit?
Ask your participants if they have or need an emergency kit. If so, here are some ideas for what to include:
• Medications and medical records
• Emergency contacts list
• Portable chargers for assistive devices
• Non-perishable food and water
Encourage them to keep their kit easily accessible and to update it regularly.
Staying Informed
Staying informed is key to effective emergency preparedness. Make sure all emergency contacts for the participant are known and updated regularly. Recommend reliable sources like local authorities and emergency services for the latest updates.
Preparing for Peace of Mind
Share these valuable resources with your participants:
• Local emergency services contacts
• NDIS-funded supports that can assist with emergency preparedness
• Community organisations that offer emergency planning assistance
Let’s make sure our participants are not only supported but prepared. Share this information and help them take proactive steps towards being ready for any emergency. Remember, preparedness is always in season!