As you're probably aware, over the past year, the NDIS has been implementing a new system called PACE, and we're now seeing its exciting roll-out on the East Coast of Australia.
PACE, a government-driven initiative, is poised to enhance our service delivery, surpassing the capabilities of the previously outsourced PRODA system. With this government-managed system, we're looking forward to addressing issues more efficiently and ensuring smoother experiences for everyone involved.
Now, if Tasmania (the initial launch site) can adeptly navigate the intricacies of the PACE system for the last 12 months, then tackling an NDIS review will seem like a walk in the park! It’s like learning a new dance – at first, we might stumble over our feet, but soon we'll be waltzing through with ease and confidence.
Embracing this change is all about maintaining a positive attitude and a willingness to adapt. It's a journey we’re embarking on together, one that allows us to grow, learn, and even share a few laughs along the way.
Rest assured, we are here to support each other through every step of this transition. Let's view these changes not just as challenges, but as opportunities to improve our services and to thrive together in our mission to support NDIS participants.
Thank you for your continued dedication and support. Here's to moving forward with confidence, enthusiasm, and a light-hearted approach to both the PACE system and the NDIS reviews!
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